Holland BPW is building fiberhoods in the City of Holland.
City-wide Fiber Update
Residents of the City of Holland will start to see more activity related to the fiber network expansion as we transition from the design phase to starting construction. Holland BPW has crews inspecting all the utility poles in the city, so you might see us in your yard. Construction will kick off by mid-November. Until then, we have boots on the ground doing final checks to finish up the high-level design.
Earlier this year, Holland BPW ordered materials for the first phases needed for the project, to get ahead in the supply chain. This means that our contractor has materials on hand to begin construction.

Find your fiberhood
As we roll out fiber through the city, we are calling the various nodes “fiberhoods”. We have a new fiber internet web page and published a map that shows all of the fiberhoods. The map tells you the name of your fiberhood and the stage it is in, whether that’s gathering interest, under construction, accepting applications, or connected.
Gathering interest: Fiber passing infrastructure is being designed and built.
Accepting applications: Fiber to the home service applications are being accepted for the address. Sign up now to be sure you do not miss the first wave of connectivity.
Under construction: Fiber to the home service connections are under construction. Services will be available soon. Time is ticking! Sign up now to get connected in the first wave.
Connected: Holland BPW fiber internet service is available at this address. While the city-wide build is in progress, if you missed the first wave you can still sign up, but there might be a delay in getting service started as we have started to hook up another fiberhood.
Holland City Fiber
In the City of Holland, all addresses will have access to fiber internet. Residents will have an option to get high-speed fiber internet service from Holland BPW. The ubiquitous availability is possible because the people of Holland voted in August of 2022 to make a community investment in the fiber optic passings network in the form of a bond paid for by a millage. The millage has not taken effect yet. Residents will first see the broadband millage on their 2024 summer property tax bill. The millage will start at 1.2 mills, which is lower than originally planned.
Holland BPW will roll out fiber internet services as the network is built throughout the city. The first fiberhoods are expected to be connected and ready for service in the spring of 2024. As service availability rolls out, Holland BPW will be doing outreach to let residents know when their Fiberhood opens for applications for the service!
Check out the fiber service area map!
For detailed information about the Holland City Fiber initiative, visit hollandcityfiber.com.