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Payment Options

Holland BPW offers several convenient ways to pay your bill. If you have questions about payment options or your account, please contact Customer Service: 616.355.1500.

Quick Links

Customers Shutoff for Nonpayment
of a Delinquent Account

Please contact our office at 616.355.1500 prior to making a payment. Reconnection fees and/or security deposits in addition to the entire account balance may be required in order to resume service.

Online or Phone

Pay online with debit, credit, PayPal, Venmo and more: Online bill pay service is available 24/7 through MyHBPW.

One-time online payment: Pay online without logging into MyHBPW.

Phone Payments with a debit/credit card or e-check: 888-288-5615

Screen capture of the portal home screen
Screenshot of myHBPW portal under My Account >> Settings

Paperless Billing

Go green and exchange your monthly paper statement for a paperless version. Simply set up your account through MyHBPW and register for the service. You will receive an email when your statement is ready to view. Need to set up your MyHBPW account? Read our FAQs.

How to Sign Up for Paperless Billing

  1. Sign in to your MyHBPW account

  2. Click the My Account icon near the top of the screen

  3. Click Settings in the menu on the left side of the screen

  4. Select the button that says Paperless Billing

  5. Click Save

Why Go Paperless?

  1. Quick and easy access to your account information.

  2. Secure platform

  3. View your bill at any time

  4. Reduce mailbox clutter

  5. Help the environment by using less paper

  6. It's FREE

*Please allow 2-5 business days for processing and read our privacy/disclaimer statement with regards to using this service.

By Mail or In-Person

Please make checks payable to

    Holland Board of Public Works
    625 Hastings Ave.
    Holland, MI 49423

You can mail your payment in the self-addressed envelope provided with your bill. Please make sure to include your full account number and phone number. You may also pay in person using a check, money order or cash at our HBPW Service Center located at 625 Hastings Ave. Holland, MI.

Front sign for BPW Service Center on a sunny day with the American flag flying.
A black woman in a white and blue top answers the phone at her desk.

24 Hour Dropbox

Payments can be placed in the drop box located in the front of our building.

Lobby Hours

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm

  • Wednesday: 9:00 - 5:00pm 

Retail Store Payments

Cash payments are also accepted at a local retailer in Holland. Fees are dictated by the retailer and range from $1-2.

    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. #01942

    2629 North Park Drive

    Holland, MI 49424

    Tel: 616.393.2018

  • Sunday: 8am – 9pm

  • Monday: 8am – 9pm

  • Tuesday: 8am – 9pm

  • Wednesday: 8am – 9pm

  • Thursday: 8am – 9pm

  • Friday: 8am – 9pm

  • Saturday: 8am – 9pm

Budget Billing Plan

Budget billing is a monthly plan that allows you to pay your utility bill in equal monthly payments throughout the year. Bills that are on the budget plan can be paid with any payment method that Holland BPW offers. 

Billing Timing

Budgets are reconciled annually and begin with the July due date. (Bills sent in June have July due dates).

The bill you receive in June will show your budget amount for the next 12 months. 


Enrollment Period

Budget plan enrollment happens once a year. Applications for the current year are due May 31st. Applications received after the due date, May 31st, will apply to the following year.


Eligibility Requirements

To enroll in the Budget Billing Plan, customers must have 12 months of utility history and be in good account standing with HBPW. Additional conditions apply.

Payment Assistance

Talk to Us

If you are concerned about paying your utility bill, call us now. Don't wait. Our customer service representatives may be able work out a payment plan and/or connect you with resources to help.

616-355-1500 or

Promise Funds Flyer

Ottawa County Community Action Agency

If you are struggling with your past due bill, there may be assistance available through Ottawa County Community Action Agency (OCCAA).  To determine eligibility, please fill out the application at this link.

Once completed, an intake specialist will reach out to you within two business days.

  • OCCAA Phone Number - 616-393-4433

  • OCCAA Eligibility Application - Link to Web Form

Additional Community Agencies

Several other community agencies may have payment assistance available. Contact them directly for information.