Holland BPW provides the billing and call center services for the City of Holland's Refuse and Recycling program.
The City of Holland has mandatory residential refuse & recycling curbside pickup program. This is for residents that live in a single-family homes, a duplex, and some apartments. Collection is made once a week on a regularly scheduled pick-up day. The City of Holland has a contract with Republic Services to manage curbside pickup and hauling duty.

Refuse & Recycling
Refuse pick-up: Refuse is picked up once a week on a regularly scheduled day.
Recycling pick-up: Recycling is picked up every other week on your regularly scheduled refuse collection day.
When to put containers out: containers can be placed at the curb 6pm the evening before pick-up day.
When to remove containers: Empty containers must be removed by 7pm on pick-up day.
Seasonal holds: Residential users may request a seasonal hold for a minimum period of three (3) months and a maximum period of six (6) months.

Yard Waste
Yard waste pick-up: Weekly yard waste pickup is the same day as trash pickup.
Season: April 1st – November 30th; billing for yard waste only occurs during these months.
Off-season: December 1st – March 31st; the service will automatically stop billing during these months.
Continuation of Service: Billing will resume every spring on April 1st. The service rolls over from year to year unless a customer requests to cancel.
Cancellation: Yard Waste services need to be canceled prior to the start of billing on April 1st to avoid being locked into another 8 month season for yard waste removal.
Questions? Contact Holland BPW
Call 616.355.1500 or send an email to refuse@hollandbpw.com.
Contact Holland BPW to:
Pay your bill
Ask questions
Start or change your service
Order replacement bins
Alert us to a problem with your refuse and recycling service
If your scheduled day lands on a holiday, you may put out your garbage and recycling 1 day late.
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day