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Embracing water efficiency

Embracing water efficiency

The Holland Board of Public Works Water Treatment Plant has served Holland with safe drinking water for decades.

Informe sobre la Calidad del Agua 2023

Informe sobre la Calidad del Agua 2023

Este informe detalla la calidad del agua potable que les hemos proporcionado en el año calendario 2023.  En este informe, encontrarán detalles sobre el origen del agua y su contenido.

Water Quality Report 2023

Water Quality Report 2023

We are pleased to report another year of our Water Treatment Plant surpassing all federal and state drinking water standards. Holland BPW’s Water Treatment Plant met all monitoring and reporting requirements for 2023. 


Water Main Flushing

Holland BPW Water Main Flushing begins in April and will continue through the summer in the neighborhoods located between Ottawa Ave. and Old Orchard from South Shore Drive to north of 146th Street.

Make a smaller splash this summer

Make a smaller splash this summer

Summer means playing outside in sprinklers, water balloon fights, swimming in the lake or in backyard pools, gardening and much more. We are incredibly lucky to live by Lake Michigan to supply us with water so we can continue to engage in these activities.

Woman holds water glass with "Informe sobre la Calidad del Agua 2022"

Informe sobre la Calidad del Agua 2022

En la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua de la Holland BPW [Junta de Obras Públicas], tratamos y filtramos el agua del Lago Michigan. Esto asegura agua potable saludable para nuestra comunidad y nuestros clientes. Nuestro personal de agua calificado proporciona excelencia en la calidad del agua y utiliza nuestra fuente de agua de manera responsable.

Water Quality Report 2022

At the Holland BPW Water Treatment Plant, we treat and filter water from Lake Michigan. This ensures healthy drinking water for our community and customers. Our skilled water staff provide excellence in water quality and use our water source responsibly. 

EPA Proposes the First Federal Regulation for PFAS

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a new rule for PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation.

Water Quality Report 2021

EGLE and the U.S. EPA require us to test our water on a regular basis to ensure its safety. We update this report annually and will keep you informed of any problems that may occur throughout the year as they happen.

Hydrants Aren't Just for Fires

While most people assume that fire hydrants serve only as emergency access to water for firefighters, they also provide access to critical water infrastructure that would otherwise be difficult to service.

Where Our Water Comes From

Holland BPW draws its water from Lake Michigan. The water distribution system contains 240 miles of water main and serves the City of Holland, and some sections of Park, Laketown, Fillmore and Holland Charter Townships.