How It Works
Holland Board of Public Works draws its water from Lake Michigan. The water distribution system contains 240 miles of water main and serves the City of Holland, and some sections of Park, Laketown, Fillmore and Holland Charter Townships. Water mains range from 36 inch diameter down to 6 inch distribution mains. HBPW's water system includes approximately 13,000 service connections, more than 2,300 fire hydrants, two 5 million gallon reservoirs, 2 elevated tanks and five pump stations.
From Lake Michigan to Your Tap
When fresh water enters our plant from Lake Michigan, it goes through a number of chemical and physical treatments to prepare it for residential and business use. Use the numbers and key below the diagram to learn how it all works.

1. Water enters from Lake Michigan through a 42” intake pipe that runs nearly a mile offshore.
2. Four 10mgd (million gallons per day) electric pumps draw in water and pump it up to the plant.
3. In the plant, sodium hypochlorite (chlorination), alum/polymer and fluoride enter the flow and mix with the water in a large chamber.
4. Large paddles gently mix the water as it enters one of four basins. The alum/polymer blend helps suspended particles coagulate into larger particles and settle out at the bottom.
5. Water flows from the basins to one of 10 rapid sand filters. The filters have several layers of sand and a top layer of fine anthracite, which filter any final impurities. After water flows down through the filter, it’s safe to drink.
6. Clean drinking water is pumped from the filters to onsite reservoirs through transfer pumps for temporary storage or immediately out into the distribution system through one of four high service pumps.