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a city street with a sign that says utility work ahead and a utility worker walking towards trailer holding orange spools of fiber conduit

Fiber Construction Update

Construction of the City of Holland’s municipally-owned fiber network is underway. Crews are constructing the passings network throughout the City of Holland. 

Construction of the City of Holland’s municipally-owned fiber network is underway. For the purpose of construction, the project segments the city into “fiberhoods”, carefully planned to efficiently expand the network throughout the city. There are a total of 16 fiberhoods to be completed over the course of the project.

Crews are constructing the passings network throughout the City of Holland. The passings network consists of the fiber lines that go past every home, making fiber connectivity available to everyone in the City of Holland. Some of the fiber will be underground and some will be overhead.

The first portions of the fiber passing network are currently under construction at Kollen Park. Crews dig to locate utility lines and then use a boring rig to dig a tunnel where the conduit will lay. After the conduit is pulled through the tunnel, fiber optic cable will be pulled through the orange conduit that protects it.

Just as a water main goes past every home to provide access to water, a fiber optic passing goes past every home to provide access to data. As the passing network is built, neighborhood by neighborhood – fiberhood by fiberhood – service will roll out as it becomes available. The first fiberhoods will be ready to go online by early summer.

Customers will be able to sign up for service on the HBPW website when applications open in their fiberhoods. We will directly let customers know when Holland BPW Fiber Internet service is available by email and post card mailings. We will also use our public communications channels to inform the community about the progress.

Holland residents and businesses can sign up for email notifications about the progress of the project by filling out a form on our Fiber Internet web page.

Those who already know that they would like Holland BPW Fiber service can check the box at the bottom of the form that says, “Yes! I want to sign up for Holland BPW Fiber Internet service. Use this form as my initial application when services are ready in my area.” Checking this box starts the application process. When service applications open for that address, the customer will have already taken the first step. This will ensure interested customers are included in the first wave of service connections.

Find your fiberhood!